Source documents
Media Articles - 2000s

Last updated
3 December 2002
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Religious Charities Must Be Funded On Merit

The Hartford Courant
March 2, 2001

I want to respond to The Courant's coverage of Pat Robertson's statements regarding the president's proposed support of faith-based charities [news story, Feb. 23, "Pat Robertson Faults Plan For Religious Charities"].

The Church of Scientology welcomes the White House Office of Faith-Based Initiatives. The church-sponsored programs, not the church itself, will request the federal funds on the basis of their impressive results.

The drug rehabilitation program Narconon, for example, supported by the church for three decades, has helped tens of thousands of people get off drugs, and results like those speak very strongly for themselves.

These programs are secular social betterment charities and have existed in many communities for more than a quarter of a century. They are very deserving of support from all sectors, public and private.

Based on everything the Bush administration and the Office of Faith-Based Initiatives have said so far, we expect these programs will be given fair and equal treatment based on their efficacy.

After all, this is America and here merit still counts.

The Rev. Carol F. Yingling
Church of Scientology of Connecticut
New Haven