Source documents
Media Articles - 2000s

Last updated
3 December 2002
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A drugs plan that works

Newcastle Herald (Australia)
January 17, 2001

DRUG abuse is not just a medical problem. It is a social issue with vast consequences.

Simply responding by medical models won't work.

Medical models are generally narrow (based on drug substitutions or psychiatric analysis, without having individuals really consider moral issues).

The Arizona Correction Authority, Rikers Island Institute for Men (New York State) and the Spanish Ministry of Health have found another way.

Narconon, a drug-free rehabilitation program, reaches even addicts with long criminal records.

It helps prisoners beat drug withdrawal without drugs or agony.

Then social and physical problems (including drug residues in the body) are addressed.

Studies in Spain, Sweden and America show that most participating prisoners quit drugs and recividism drops by some 75%.

Narconon is currently making great progress in the drug infested Encinada prison in Mexico. Our prisons need it too.

Linda Vij
January 15